July Newsletter 2020

Click here to view our latest Newsletter  Newsletter July 2020v5

Since the start of the Covid 19 pandemic all walks of life have found day to day existence challenging. The Food-bank has seen an increase in demand of over 90%, which matches the national picture as reported by the Trussell Trust.

As many of you are aware, we had to change the way we function due to the practicality of social distancing at our warehouse and many of our volunteers having to self-isolate.  Coupled with the drop in donations via our usual routes, it was decided that as from April 6th to introduce the issuing of supermarket cards /vouchers instead of food parcels. This has worked extremely well over the last 3 months. The generosity of the local community, individuals and businesses in financial donations has been extraordinary and has enabled us to fund the purchase of the supermarket vouchers. We have also been successful in applying for funding from Letchworth Heritage Foundation, North Herts District Council COVID 19 Community Fund, Tesco Bags of Help COVID Fund, B&M, Settle and other charitable funds.